Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Making: ukuleles, monsters and other adorable plush things. Oh and curtains too..
Looking: at everything wedding related.
Listening: to my fiancé playing guitar.
Watching: #tabletalk
Reading: Rock 'n Roll Bride
Liking: photos of my brother's cat.
Eating: many a baked potato, and strawberries. Not at the same time..
Drinking: hot chocolate.
Wearing: old clothes.
Wanting: new clothes..
Needing: to be healthier.
Enjoying: weekends with George.
Bookmarking: sewing machines. I'm in need of an upgrade!
Trying: to be productive.
Thinking: my to-do list isn't getting any smaller.
Wondering: what I could have accomplished in 6 months time from now.
Wishing: time would slow the hell down.
Loving: that I finally dropped my hours at work so I can concentrate on starting a business from home.
Feeling: brave.

Inspiration for this post from The Daybook.

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