Monday, 12 May 2014


Dress / Primark
Cardigan / Asos
Shoes / New Look

Finally, a new outfit post. It's been a good few months since I did one like this. It's fair to say I've been feeling uninspired in terms of this blog for a while now, but I finally feel like I have time for the things I enjoy since dropping some hours at work. Yay!
I've been wearing a lot of dresses and cardigans lately. It's one of my favourite combinations for spring (or any time of year to be honest..) since I have so many options to choose from.
Now, I'm certainly not a lover of Primark. There have been many times when I have walked in and straight back out again due to the sheer mess or the stampede of vultures/ people in the way. So, I'm pretty sure this dress (aside from a few pairs of socks and a make up bag) is the only thing I have purchased. And I actually love it. You wouldn't really guess it was from Primark since it's made from a lovely quality fabric and hasn't bobbled yet, despite being worn a fair amount. I've had it for a while now but I'm pretty sure it was less than £10, which makes me think I should give Primark a chance every now and then, just in case I come across another hidden gem.
The cardigan was a Christmas present which I've also worn quite a lot. You can't really tell in the photos but it comes across slightly loose fitting with no fastenings, so its always worn open. This is perfect for spring/ summer since you usually need an extra layer here in England ;)
These shoes are my most recent bargain, found in the kids/ teen section of New Look for £10! I've been wanting an almost identical pair on Asos for a very long time now, so you can imagine how happy I was to spot this last pair at the back of the shelf. I guess there are some perks to being a size 3 ;) 

Amy x


  1. That's the CUTEST dress and the cardigan looks SO warm and comfy!
    I can relate about being uninspired to post on your blog, but you're such a great blogger and I'd hate to see you go :(

    1. Aww thank you so much, that's really sweet! :) x
