Friday, 2 January 2015


Some thoughts and reflections on 2014..

* It went by SO FLIPPIN' FAST.
* We celebrated with friends and family at our engagement party back in March (after the perfect Christmas proposal) and began making serious plans in the summer. So far we've sorted our venue, my dress and the honeymoon. Obviously we have tonnes more to do before the wedding this September, but I have never been more excited for ANYTHING in my whole life!
* We didn't go on holiday this year, and since I've been lucky enough to travel pretty much every year of my life (whether abroad or closer to home within the UK) I definitely missed it massively in 2014. However I know it'll all be worth the wait once we go on our honeymoon to California this September <3
* I didn't blog nearly as much as I wanted to. I really, really hope I can turn that around this year by getting myself organised and trying my hardest to stick to a regular schedule, since it's something I thoroughly enjoy doing.
* I launched my Etsy shop in October and I'm so god damn proud of myself and my fiance George, who provided me with oodles of support and encouragement, as well as designing and working alongside me to bring Midgins' to life. It took months of preparation to get my work to a state that was good enough to release, and I even dropped hours at my full time job so I had more time to spend at home designing and sewing, and that's one of the best decisions I made all year. I'm still not happy with my day job and would absolutely love to work on Midgins' full time one day. I hope lots more hard work and determination in 2015 will bring me closer to that dream.
* I definitely didn't take as many photos in 2014 as I have done in previous years, and that makes me a little sad. I hope that working on my Etsy shop and my blog with encourage me to photograph more of my daily life and times spent with George, my friends and family.

Now on to current thoughts and the "taking stock" part of this post..

Making: plans and goals.
Looking: forward to all the amazing things in 2015.
Listening: to Dirty Revolution.
Watching: Fun for Louis.
Reading: .. as usual this section is blank, aside from blogs. Although I'm looking forward to reading the brand new Rock 'n Roll Bride magazine this month!
Liking: freshly painted nails.
Eating: all of the Christmas chocolate..
Drinking: a delicious mug of hazelnut hot chocolate.
Wearing: jumpers and skinny jeans, pretty much every day <3
Wanting: to take more outfit photos. And photos in general.
Needing: to put the chocolate down..
Enjoying: writing lists in my brand new diary.
Bookmarking: beautiful wedding rings.
Trying: to save as many pennies as possible.
Thinking: of new designs and business ventures.
Wondering: how many blog posts I'll be able to write this year.
Wishing: Christmas didn't end so quickly and I could leave my tree up for longer.
Loving: feeling motivated and excited after a lovely Christmas break.

Inspiration for this post from The Daybook.

Amy x

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