Tuesday, 23 June 2015

PROJECT 365: DAYS 159 - 172

Day 159: The familiar dilemma of choosing a nail colour.
Day 160: This paisley skirt from Asos (via eBay) arrived in the post.
Day 161: Naughty (but extremely delicious) cupcake that my mum baked.
Day 162: Working on the wedding invites.

Day 163: The start of a week of dog sitting for George's parents.

Day 164: Walking the pooch along Clevedon seafront.

Day 165: Our initials on the invite covers :)

Day 166: More walkies on the most beautiful, sunny day.

Day 167: Strolling through the woods.

Day 168: Lots more pine cones in preparation for the wedding.
Day 169: Pooch in the window.
Day 170: Lovely moroccan backpack I found on eBay!
Day 171: George's pretty new guitar.

Day 172: Yep, still making those invites..

So I decided to change things up a bit and combined the last two weeks of photos into one big Project 365 post. This was mostly due to the fact I was very behind on posting the first week and decided to wait, but I'm kind of liking this new format. What do you think?

I hope you've had a fantastic couple of weeks!

Amy x

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